sorry to say


tapi aku bukan jenis kacau boyfriend orang

im not that bitch 

aku paling malas nk layan orang

it means boyfriend kau yg gatal 


on eleven november two thousand sixteen

wishing ibu happy birthday and congrats on turning 50! blessed you. amin



no one could ever replace your mum and deeply sorry for your lost, Y. blessed her. amin. 

there is love there is grief ...

nak bagitau kau ni

weh dia suka kau

kau tak nampak ke?! 


thoughts : 2:04am

hectic day i must say. aku dah cakap jangan buat benda last minute. sekarang kau membebankan aku. takpe, kau sabar fy you have to be strong! yu ken du thiz youve done this before even worst plus this is not the right time to give up just... not the right time. its fine. pujuk hati kau pujuk mata kau jangan nangis lagi jangan langgar prinsip yang tu. everything is going to be fine

everything is going to be fine

to be fine


thoughts : 3:12am

bila kau takde pendirian ...

prinsip? kau main langgar

nasihat? kau padam dari kotak ingatan

bodoh kau ni