
I just realise that my birthday is coming up in 2 weeks from today

And i just want to wish happy birthday in advanced to myself 

Pretty lame -- wishing happy birthday just liddat

No caps lock, no emotions, no applause,


But whatever.

I'm almost twenty and next year which in a months I'll be twenty-one

The question is, what is something about being Afifah Muhidzir that can be proud of? 

The honest answer is, none.



Aku tak cukup kuat untuk berdepan dengan sesiapa

Aku tahu, lambat laun aku akan hadap jugak

Tapi biarlah

Selagi aku masih boleh berlari aku akan


Nyata rebah

Saat kau jatuh 

Tiada yang mahu beri dorongan

Tiada muka yang berpaling ke arah kau

Jauh sekali menegur.

Hanya layak ...

Merintih seorang.


Everyone having fun 

Even tho we had to stand almost 4 hours!

I barely feel my feet tautak

It was such a cool amazing rock and roll performance

And of course worth it!

Balik rumah melepet , penat haha! 

Love you, Hujan

Andand looking forward for showcase Noh Salleh pulak (hopefully!)