thoughts : 0031

until when?

until you can live without me

thoughts : 0258

aku berhenti setiap kali aku tahu aku tak boleh bernafas.

satu hari nanti, aku takkan berhenti lagi. 


bila semua sudah tidak peduli. 

they say...

they say "dont let your girl fall asleep with heavy heart"

cant relate.

thoughts : 2230

emotionally unstable

thoughts : 2236


i mss the old me

the happy me.

okay takpe

takpe fy takpeeeee

takpe takpe takpe its okay takpe it is okay its fine takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe its okay takpe it is okay its fine takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe its okay takpe it is okay its fine takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpetakpe takpe takpe its okay takpe it is okay its fine takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpe takpeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee